CNNC attends IAEA exhibition


China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) impressed delegates on the opening day of the 60th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria on Sept 26.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano paid a visit to China’s exhibition hall soon after the conference’s opening ceremony, where CNNC has its themed booths titled “develop nuclear energy and bring benefit to mankind”.

Amano took a close look at the displays in the Chinese exhibition, before speaking warmly of the contributions China has made to the development of the nuclear power industry.

Asia, and China in particular, has become the fastest developing region for nuclear energy in the world, he said.

He was then given a virtual tour of China’s new third-generation HPR1000 nuclear power plant using a virtual reality headset.

The Chinese delegation are using VR technology to show delegates at this year’s conference the performance of the HPR1000, as well as its technical features and safety guarantee system.

Representatives from all across the world came to the Chinese exhibition hall to try out the headsets and learn more about the HPR1000.

They all expressed admiration for China’s capability to self-design and build nuclear power stations and improve the country’s nuclear power security.

The exhibition also introduces other Chinese products related to nuclear energy, such as ACP100 reactor, as well as nuclear fuel and nuclear medicine products.

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