HPR1000’s first global reactor demo project completes dome lifting


Fuqing Unit 5, the first global reactor demo project of China National Nuclear Corporation’s (CNNC) HPR1000, completed dome lifting on May 25, 15 days ahead of schedule, and entered the equipment installation phase.

It is the world’s largest and highest dome lifting ever undertaken in nuclear construction projects.

 “That the dome was lifted 15 days in advance proves that CNNC can construct the HPR1000 which is a national key project in the field of nuclear power,” said Wang Shoujun, chairman of CNNC.

Wang expressed his view that the event directly advanced the construction of third-generation nuclear power systems independently developed by China and provided experience for the construction of other HPR1000 demo units.

The event will enhance confidence in countries along the Belt and Road in the HPR1000, helping expand the international market and facilitating partnerships with related countries and businesses.

Dome lifting is an important milestone during a nuclear power project. The dome keeps the reactor airtight and ensures the integrity of the reactor building. Also, it plays a key role in radioactive inclusion. The dome of the HPR1000 weighs around 340 metric tons. It is a hemispheroid with a diameter of 46.8 meters. It is composed of 153 prefabricated unit components divided into five layers.

The preparation work started around 4:00 am at the Fuqing nuclear power project site. In the afternoon, a crane weighing 3,200 tons lifted the dome onto the 13th steel lining of the reactor containment.

The HPR1000, which is the result of State-led innovation, has become an advertisement for the Belt and Road Initiative. Currently, a total of four HPR1000 pressurized water reactor nuclear power unit demonstration projects of the CNNC are under construction. The key project construction phases have already been completed on schedule or in advance, which makes them the only third-generation pressurized water reactor nuclear power unit projects in the world that have completed construction on schedule. In 2020, CNNC will start construction of a 1-million-kilowatt-class HPR1000 pressurized water reactor nuclear power unit in Argentina.

The Fuqing Nuclear Power Base of CNNC plans to construct six 1-million-kilowatt-class pressurized water reactor nuclear power units. At present, the No 1 to No 3 pressurized water reactor nuclear power units of Fuqing Nuclear Power Base have already been put into commercial use, which will generate power of 32.99 billion kilowatt-hours. The operation of the three nuclear power units will reduce coal consumption by 10.65 million tons, and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 34.79 million tons, which is equal to planting 93,000 hectares of forest. In addition, the No 4 pressurized water reactor nuclear power unit is currently undergoing initial tests.


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