World’s first HTR-PM steam generator passes tests


The first steam generator for China’s fourth generation demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled reactor plant (HTR-PM) passed checks and was delivered to the construction site of the HTR-PM demonstration project, according to a joint announcement by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), Tsinghua University, China Huaneng Group and Harbin Electric Corporation, in Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, on Oct 31.

The completion of the tests serves as a powerful guarantee for the building of the HTGR demonstration project and follow-up commercial promotion. 

The HTGR project is a major national project undertaken by CNNC in partnership with Tsinghua University and Huaneng Group. The project is the result of close cooperation between the nuclear giant and the university over the past 15 years. 

During that time, CNNC has made full use of its independently-developed full nuclear industrial chain to provide full guarantees in the areas of investment, co-engineering, integrated management of the general contract, manufacturing and supplies of fuel elements and other facilities, as well as in civil installation, allowing it to make significant progress on this vital national project.

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