CNNC's Luo Qi wins top national scientific award


Luo Qi from the Nuclear Power Institute of China [Photo/CNNC]

Luo Qi from the Nuclear Power Institute of China -- at the Beijing-headquartered China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) -- won the prestigious Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation's Award for Scientific and Technological Progress on Nov 3. 

The Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation was established in 1994.

It aims to recognize Chinese scientists who have made outstanding achievements, encourage scientific and technological workers to tackle the world's scientific frontiers, create innovations to meet the nation's needs, promote high-quality economic growth and safeguard the lives and health of the people.

Luo Qi has long been engaged in the design and development of nuclear power reactors and is one of the leaders in the field of nuclear power reactor design technology in China. 

He has proposed advanced reactor technology and methods and presided over the completion of China's new generation nuclear power research and development platform.

Luo overcame major technical problems concerning nuclear power system components, completed research into new nuclear power reactor technology and made a systematic and important contribution to the development and level of nuclear power technology in China.

A total of 52 scientists won the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Awards in 2020.

Awards for Scientific and Technological Progress were given to 30 outstanding scientific and technological people, including Luo, who have made major scientific discoveries and technological contributions in fields such as mathematical mechanics, the life sciences and engineering technology.

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