CNNC, IO send congratulation letters to each other on the Pit-Readiness for TAC1 project

The ITER International Fusion Energy Organization (ITER Organization or IO) declared that the scope part of TAC1 on the first intermediate construction milestone was completed by Oct 27 and is ready to receive the first Vacuum Vessel Sector.

Yu Jianfeng, chairman of the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), and Bernard Bigot, director-general of ITER Organization, sent congratulatory letters to each other for this achievement.


"This is another great achievement in global nuclear collaboration. It represents a further step for utilizing fusion technology to the great benefit of all mankind," Yu, on behalf of CNNC, said to Bigot and ITER Organization in his letter, adding that CNNC will always stand together and work with ITER Organization to promote international science projects and realize the final goal of solving mankind’s energy problem.


"The CNPE Consortium has been working closely with IO/CMA and all related contractors on the ITER site. Despite many technical and organizational issues at the beginning of the contract, we have seen a real development on engineering, collaboration, dedication and professionalism by the CNPE-C team ... Almost all assembly actions so far were first of a kind activities ... The CNPE Consortium demonstrated the will and capability to overcome such complicate challenges and to find technical solutions to ensure the progress of the project schedule," Bigot said in his letter, adding that ITER Organization will ensure the continuation of its TAC1 project support and work together as "One Team" towards the next milestones in the ITER fusion project.


A Sino-French consortium led by China Nuclear Power Engineering (CNPE) under CNNC signed the Tokamak Assembly Contract 1 (TAC1) with the ITER Organization on Sept 30, 2019. Other members in the consortium include the China Nuclear Industry 23 Construction Company of CNNC, CNNC's Southwestern Institute of Physics, the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), and Framatome.

The TAC1 installation tender project is the most important core equipment installation project of the ITER Tokamak, mainly responsible for the installation of Dewar, superconducting magnets and feeder systems. It is as important to ITER Tokamak as the heart is to the human body.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and other difficulties, the consortium has successfully completed the first installation phase. Together they have achieved the installation of major In-Pit components like: Cryostat Base, Cryostat Lower Cylinder, Lower Cryostat Thermal Shield, PF5 &6, BCC4 & 5 and more.


The ITER project involves 35 countries, including China, the United States, Russia, Japan, South Korea, India and several European Union member states. The TAC1 consortium will always honor its international commitment and work with its international partners to contribute to the sustainable development of energy and the ITER project.

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