CNNC leads formulation of two published international standards

Two international standards whose formulation was led by China National Nuclear Cooperation (CNNC)'s China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) were recently published, according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).


The two international standards are the Determination of uranium content in samples coming from the nuclear fuel cycle by L-absorption edge spectrometry and Amendment 1 - Industrial Non-Destructive Testing Equipment - Electron Linear Accelerator.

So far, CNNC has had eight of its international standards published. This is the result of CNNC actively promoting an innovation-driven strategy and taking solid steps to carry out international standardization work, meaning that China's nuclear science and technology has gained further international recognition.


The formulation of the Determination of uranium content in samples coming from the nuclear fuel cycle by L-absorption edge spectrometry was led by the Department of Radiochemistry of CIAE.

The formulation of Amendment 1 - Industrial Non-Destructive Testing Equipment - Electron Linear Accelerator was led by the Department of Nuclear Technology Application of CIAE.

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