Construction starts on CNNC Tianwan nuclear steam project

The first concrete was poured for a nuclear steam supply project on May 27 at the Tianwan nuclear power plant in Lianyungang city, East China's Jiangsu province. The Tianwan nuclear steam supply project of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is the first of its kind for industrial purposes in China.


This is another exploration by CNNC in the comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy after supplying heat through nuclear power. It will contribute to the establishment of near-zero emission energy systems in China and to the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.

The project is expected to be put into operation by the end of 2023, supplying green energy to the Lianyungang petrochemical industry base and also providing an energy demonstration plan for the transformation and upgrading of China's petrochemical industry.


After completion, the project is expected to supply 4.8 million tons of industrial steam to the Lianyungang petrochemical industry base annually, which will reduce the burning of standard coal by 400,000 tons per year. This is equivalent to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by 1.07 million tons, 184 tons and 263 tons respectively, or planting 2,900 hectares of trees.


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