China's first homegrown main steam isolation valves delivered

The first three sets of China's domestically developed main steam isolation valves passed through acceptance tests on Nov 30, before being shipped to the construction site of unit 1 of the Zhangzhou Nuclear Power Plant, a Hualong One mass construction demonstration project in Zhangzhou city, East China's Fujian province.


The main steam isolation valves

In 2019, the SUFA Technology Industry Company of the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) kicked off its research and development program of the main steam isolation valves for Hualong One reactors, a homegrown third-generation reactor design with fully independent intellectual property rights.

As a key apparatus in the main steam system of a nuclear power plant, the temperature-resistant and pressure-resistant main steam isolation valves are designed to isolate the main steam lines and the steam generators. Utilized to close quickly and seal tightly in high-pressure steam service within nuclear power plants, they are extremely important to the power generation reliability of nuclear power plants.


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